Friday, December 10, 2010

My Funny Dogs

Ever since I have been home our family's dog, Lola, has been acting SO funny!
I don't know if she is jealous that Millie is home and getting spoiled by "Granna" and "Big Butch" or if she is going through one of those female dog "nesting" stages that some of them experience.  She's always been that way, and she's definitely being a nester right now!!

So much that it is beginning to drive my mom and I crazy...
and now Millie.

Except Millie is a lot more patient with being snugged up on now that she is outgrowing the
very rambunctious stage of being a puppy.  She's learning her adult moods, I believe.
They both like to snuggle up to "Granna" at night, and since Lola is in one of her moods and Millie is calming down a bit (at night at least) they have begun to snug up to one another, too.

Here's a some funny/cute pictures of the two of them!

peace and love

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