Saturday, May 15, 2010

the one about karaoke bars

Last night, Chace and I met up with some of our friends at a karaoke bar in Birmingham. We picked up our friend Katherine and then met a bigger group at this place called "Starz." I had never been there before, but come to think of it - I've never been to a place that is solely karaoke. In Tuscaloosa, where it's true college town fashion, the pubs and bars will have a designated night that is solely karaoke... but there's no place like "Starz."

Call me a party-pooper if you must, but I don't really dig karaoke. I like to watch my friends make asses of themselves and I like the nostalgia that you get when someone sings something you haven't heard in years. You know what I'm talking about, you crazy karaoke fan you. The song that comes from way out in left field. Case in point: Goodbye Earl, by the Dixie Chicks. And yes... three tipsy girls got on stage and sang it together. Remember, when it comes to karaoke "cliche" is ALWAYS a neccessity and MUST be in full friggin' force!! Seriously, it's not so much that I don't dig karaoke, because I had a pretty fun time last night - it's just that I don't like getting up there and singing. I mean, I'd hate to put everyone else in the bar to shame with my incredible singing talent. I kid, I kid. I feel like my crazy life is entertaining enough. I don't have to have a microphone and make a spectacle of myself.

If I DO get all crazy-like and decide to entertain the crowd then my performance is strickly limited to Janis Joplin's Bobby McGee. One, I'm raspy like she is. Two, you can't really butcher it. And three, it's my favorite song ever. But I didn't do it last night. I wasn't feeling very Janis-like. Plus, I had heels on. If you know me, you know I'm not a dainty little girly girl. Every guy I've ever dated, and all of my friends, tease me about my noninterest in wearing dresses, my worn out gladiator sandles and my never-been-worn high heels. I'm pretty sure it's like Christmas Day to Chace if I actually spent time on myself getting ready. I usually give it a "I don't give a beep"and call it a night. So, putting on a show at "Starz" last night was not an option. Come on, though, for real - high heels or a 2 minute song? You can't have everything!

Kat sang "Lollipop" by Lil Wayne. Hilarious is an understatement. Oh but don't you worry... Chace is one of those creepy "iPhone" people and video recorded her entire rendition. If he knew how to work the damn thing I'd say I would post it but I am convinced that half the people that own those high tech phones don't know what in the world to do with them. (Note: I'm a BlackBerry addict therefore I am an iPhone hater by default.) Back to Kat, the girl had the entire place standing up and groovin' to the 2008 hip hop hit. It was impressive, to say the least.

What is your "go to" karaoke song?
If you were singing karaoke right now, what song would fit your mood?

Mine's 'Bobby McGee' by Janis Joplin.
My mood right now kinda calls for 'I Am The Walrus' by the Beatles.
I have been VERY much Beatles here lately. They're kinda a big deal.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more about not being into the whole karaoke singing bit but my go to song would have to be Alanis Morissette- Ironic