Thursday, May 27, 2010

inspirational photography

here's some photography that i dig. i'm really missing my digital camera. kinda sucks only having a couple of months left here & not being able to capture some of the memories/people/places/things. but, thank goodness for my blog and for my new art journals, they tell the same story in a different kind of way.
while my blog tells my story that you can read up on throughout The 'Other' Sister, i'll sweeten the eye with some of the photo-inspiration that gets me going and prompts me to write. it's just what i do, i already know i'm a weirdo.
 i really want to take photography lessons. i think there's something really cool about being able to take pictures through a wildly artistic perspective. I think I value digi-cams a lot more now that I have suffered through a fire and the losses. i remember being a little girl and swearing on my life that i'd grab my pictures if our house were to catch on fire. REALITY: you don't grab anything but the things that breathe (oh little millie girl) and be THANKFUL for blogs, facebook, and flickr. i guess since i love photos & what all they hold is the reason why i go to this website and find inspiration. Because writer's block is real.

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