Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fill In The Blank Thursday


Yep, another something new. Every Thursday.
Sorry, have to keep blogging, it makes me happy, and if I have a prompt to write about when my mind isn't on track at being "creative" then I can use it as an excuse to blog. And be happy. But who needs an excuse to be happy? Oh, the quote-lover in me found this quote the other day. "There is no WAY to happiness. Happiness is THE WAY." I dig.

1. One fashion trend I really regret...
My "girls" jnCO's. The flared leg was wider than my hips are now, and there was a pixie dust fairy embroidered on them. True story, I don't want to talk about it.

2. The one thing that always completes any outfit is...
The way you rock it. Confidence is the only thing you really "must" wear. Everything else just kinda works itself out if you treat yourself like a rockstar in it :)

3. I would describe my personal style as...
vintage inspired; free-spirity; and EXPRESSIVE

4. My fashion muse is...
Kate Hudson; Mary Kate & Ashley
obsessed (check) obsessed (check) obsessed (check)
5. If I could own one designer piece of clothing it would be...
THESE Golden Goose Cowboy BOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. I would love to raid the wardrobe of...
Zooey Dechanel
Sarah Jessica Parker
The twinkies
Cameron Diaz
Kate Hudson
7. Today I am wearing...
(day) grey cotton dress, pink tie-dyed headband, and rainbows
(night) shorts, summer top, wedges, confidence

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