Thursday, February 3, 2011

random ramblings, like always

To me, this would be magical.
A little hidden space - away from everyone but full of comfortable and familiar linens and plush pillows.  To be in nature, but warm and cozy in floral drapery and soft-lit lanterns.  I imagine myself journaling and reading and escaping the harsh realities that lie on the other side of the forrest's edge.  I would pray a lot in the coziness of this enchanted little tent.  I would probably feel extremely close to the Lord - just being out on the earth's soil and spending time growing closer to Him by reading my Bible, praying, and venting out those deep thoughts that I can only seem to do with my journals and devotionals.  I imagine myself being very free and rejuvenated if I had an escape place that was so quaint and intimate.  I'd bring friends there for those "life talks" and I'd bring a special boy there for a romantic picnic or to lay on our backs and count the Southern stars.  It just seems so - like I said before, magical.
Don't you want one, too?!?

"Extraordinary things are always hiding in
places people never think to look."
-Jodi Picoult

Other stuff...

One of the Jones traditions at Christmas is that Daddy always buys us girls a calendar.  No matter what.  And this year, I LOVED mine!  I must admit that when Dad buys me these daily calendars (rather than monthly) I am usually over the turning of the page and keeping up with it by like the second week in, but I am loving this one so much because it gives me a little dose of inpsiration as I walk out the door in the morning.  February 1, 2, and 3rd have spoken, incredibly, to me... check 'em out...

February 1
The godly woman faces her challenges with prayer,
 a sense of adventure, and a great pair of boots.

February 2
What a wondefful God we have -
He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the source of every mercy.
II Corinthians 1:3-4

February 3
A wise woman will always ask for directions -
and God will always give them.

...these were just extra special to me since I decided that February would be MY month, I won't let ANYONE control my emotions, I will hand EVERYTHING over to God, I will LIVE IT UP with my absolutely amazing friends, and I will LOVE and have NO FEAR. 
I decided that just because I wasn't worth it to someone who had me fooled into believing that I was worth it, doesn't mean I'm not going to be truly worth it to the one who really cares for me and matters most.  Just because someone else acts like I never existed (even though that is the most pain in my spirit right now) it doesn't mean that I won't be someone's WHOLE WORLD one day.  And just like that, hope makes my spirit not hurt anymore.
Just because someone lied to me and told me they loved me and would never leave me, doesn't mean that I can't open my heart to trusting someone that actually means it. 

That's why I am taking February as MY MONTH and these first 3 days have basically confirmed for me that if I trust in the Lord and believe in myself, then I will be just FINE and DANDY! :)

On the subject of Bible verses...

I want to live by this scripture:

I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. 
I will constantly speak of His glories and grace.
Psalm 34:1

I busted out this oldie but goodie vinyl today and let me tell you - it changed my whole entire mood around.  There is something about these boys that is good for the soul!

I almost cry every time I hear Bridge Over Troubled Water because it takes me back to a very distinct time in my life.  A time of learning, revelation, discovery, and loss.  A time of finding out who I was, who was with me, and who was against me.  A time of hard, raw, life.  The brutal lowpoint that I am finally free from.
There was a certain friend who considers himself by 'bridge over troubled water' and I of course thought of him as I listened to this record today.  I smiled, because there was so much fun, adventure, and all-out living during that phase of my life - it wasn't all darkness and despairity.  There was success and there were achievements - hell, just the riding out of the storm and the ability to still be standing at the end of some of those days is an achievement and a success all it's own. 
So as I worked on a project and listened to this "record du jour" I was delighted to be uplifted when Track 03 busted out in "CECILIA" - after a very mellow and sad first two tracks. 
 I may or may not have busted out in a village-style dance to this beat...
Listen to it, I bet you do, too ;)

It sounds even better on vinyl... (I love the pops and whitenoise though!)

Tell me what your weekend plans are!!!
I will be back to post a Weekly Recap type thing later!  

peace and love


Unknown said...

you are invited to follow my blog

kebowman said...

ahh! I'd love to have a place like that to go. You're right, it does look majical. The only think missing are little faries dancing around.
Bahaha! I love it! :) Wonderful post girl!

Michelle (michabella) said...

Your dad picked out an awesome calendar!!! I LOVE Feb 1st... I might make that my status on FB, unless you already have it up! lol. And I will totally join you in that cozy tent!!! Have a beautiful day! xoxo

Kayla said...

Cecelia is one of my favorite songs ever. I thought I was the only one! Great blog.

Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

Unknown said...

Beautiful passages for the first 3 days in February!
My dad always played Simon and Garfunkel when I was little.
I hope you have an amazing weekend!

Sierra said...

what a beautiful calendar and you are right - that tent looks simply magical!

hope said...

Yes, I'd love to have a tent like that. :)

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

Love how you described it. Sounds like the perfect getaway!
What a neat calendar!

Unknown said...

Your posts are always so inspiring. And trust me girlfriend you are an amazing person, and you will be someones whole world one day. Patience and faith will lead you to the right direction....I don't know if you read my friend Kelsey's blog ( but she is going through a similar things. You guys would get a long :)

Lynnlee said...

Aw, love that calendar! and yes sometimes I think we all need somewhere to just go hide away and be to ourselves.

Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh...have that same calendar and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!


Ms. Chianne said...

LOVE Paul & Art!!! My most favorite song is "Scarborough Fair." I have literally listened to that song on repeat many times throught my life!