Thursday, February 3, 2011

a peep into my life: journals

I realized that I talk about my JOURNALS a lot, but I barely ever share any of their contents with you.  To be honest, I have been pretty lax in the journaling department and have been channeling most of my creative energy through my blog.  I haven't set up my "journal station" that I am used to having, so maybe that is why.  I do need to journal more often, so maybe I will add that to my list of resolutions. 

This journal is the  I first had the orignal Listography - which is a bio of your life in fun list-form.  This one is Music Listography - a series of different 'playlists' that make up your life and bio.  I had bought this one for my best friend, Pappas, because he got me hooked on the music that I love and "found myself" through and it was my way of saying thanks and happy birthday to him one year.  Ha.  He said it was so fun and such a good gift, that after I lost my journals in the fire I replaced one of them with the Music Listography and I must say - it has been a good time!  Even if you don't have the actual journal (which you can pick up at B&N, Borders, etc) you can still play along with the prompts!
I'd love to see YOUR music listography!

 A list of my Top Twenty Favorite Bands

 List of the Places I've Seen Live Music

List Performers You'd Bring Back To Life

 List Concerts You Wish You Could Time Travel To

List Songs For Your Wedding Or Commitment Ceremony

 List The Songs To Play At Your Funeral

List Your Summertime Road Trip Mix

This journal - my mom gave to me when I was living like a refuge after the fire.  She sent it in a 'care package' along with a new replacement wallet and a couple of other knick-knacks.  It was overwhelming... the amount of journals and sentimentals that I received from family and friends in the days surrounding my crisis.  It was important that I had these journals - and this brown leather-bound one in particular - to write in and vent out my negative emotions that haunted me.  This journal is full of post-traumatic stress, I can tell you that as a fair warning.  But, it's also a story of love between a girl and her loving family, a girl and her best friend, and a girl and her dog.  This journal encompasses everything that I went through in this twilight zone of a life-phase I've experienced the past few months.  This journal means everything to me.

This journal is sort've a random assortment of stuff (well, they all are) but it's a little more scattered than the rest of them.  Some of the prompts and entries are from the 30 Day Journal Challenge that I did on Janel's blog and then some is just random...
 I like this journal though, it is real, it's Baily, and it's mine.

And the last one I'm going to show you today (because there are more than just these) is this one: 
It's a little bit more art-journaly and scrapbooky for me.

Hope you had fun! Now, get to journaling!

peace and love


Sierra said...

oh wow i love all of your journals and your creativity! i started an art journal but i've been so inconsistent with it, but you are encouraging me to pick it up again! thanks for sharing.

Nicole said...

wow...those are awesome!!!

Michelle (michabella) said...

These are great!!! Thanks for sharing! Love your handwriting and doodles :)

Cole Franke said...

very cool!

Bridget said...

there is some GOOD music in there. lovin all the simon and garfunkel, beatles, and james taylor..

Julie said...

Thanks for the peep into your life. These journals are amazing. I feel like if my journal ever met any of your journals it would be embarrassed. (Journals are kind of like people, right?!)

Unknown said...

I just went to Borders and bought Wreck this Journal and you inspired me to buy Listography! I am so excited to get started!!

Holli said...

Great journals! I love that music one... music has always been so important to me and it would be neat to write down my journey with it all these years. Cool.

I see you are a huge Beatles fan like I am! Love them!

Elizabeth said...

How great!! :) I love the journal!

Happy Friday! :-) Hope you had a great week! Stop on by my blog for my Valentine's Day GIVE-A-WAY!!