Friday, October 22, 2010

Fill In The Blank Friday

I always get my Fill In The Blank Friday from Becca at Life In Technicolor 
but it originally comes from Lauren at The Little Things We Do.  Play along!

The theme this week is "Short and Sweet"

1. I am a dreamer, an adventure-seeker, and a life lover.

2. I wish I had more time for pleasure reading. I can't wait to get really into my new Nicholas Sparks book: 'Safe Haven'.

3.  I like writing, beach hair, thrifting, hiking, reading, quotes, fro-yo, headbands, 2% milk, singing in the shower, motivational speakers, red meat, the sound of vinyl records spinning, Southern Gospel music, free-spirits, and the fact that I've never had to be on a diet.

4.  I can believe in things like fate and destiny now.  I never really cared to before now.
5.  I hope in a hopeless world.

6.  I think that once you find your "balance" in life, things just sort of begin to balance themselves out.  No wonder why the idea of a well-balanced life is such a best-seller.

7.  I was not as grateful as I thought I was.  Now, I know gratefulness on a whole new level.  Even though I had to be given such a hard test in order to learn "things" don't mean $h!t compared to relationships, people, smush-faced Boxers, the air I breathe, or the will-power it takes to move onward.  But most of all, I am grateful for God, who put me through a personal hell in order to be all the more grateful for his love and GRACE!

peace and love

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

i tagged you in an award. :)