Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10 days

10 Days of Blogging comes from Jane at Moonflowers, Mojitos, and Me and she got it from Laura at Mrs. Rupiper. I am so not agreeing to do this in 10 days flat, but I am going to do it.  Especially when I can't sleep at night, this should give me 10 sleepless nights to keep myself busy while I try to tire my eyes into a sleep-mode.  So I'm about to do Day 1....  

Day 1: 10 things you want to say to 10 different people right now.
Day 2: 9 things about yourself that most people don't know.
Day 3: 8 things you couldn't live without.
Day 4: 7 things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 5: 6 things you wish you could change or you wish you'd never done.
Day 6: 5 people who mean a lot to you.
Day 7: 4 turn offs
Day 8: 3 turn ons
Day 9: 2 words that describe your life right now.
Day 10: 1 confession.


Lindsey said...

ohhhh i want to do to do it too!!!

Unknown said...

i love this little challenge :) I am burned out of challenges right now that last for days and I sort of feel bad for my blog readers. I might just do all ten things in one post though. or some things here and there. hmmm.