Friday, August 6, 2010

the one where i can't get a break no matter how hard i try

I'm sitting here in the hotel lobby where I ate my waffles and drank my coffee every
morning that I lived here this summer. Except this time I am here because
this "hurricane" of a summer just ISN'T over yet.

The last day of summer classes is today. The last day for all make-up work to be in is next week. But I guess my limited, excuse me - my VERY limited amount of luck stored away
completely ran out after this summer has turned out to be one ugly mess of some stress.

I got home to rest and pack my bags shortly after my exam.
I was in a hurry, because I have to run to a rental property manager's office to sign a paper and I needed to get some emails done. I ran my first big bag downstairs while my computer shut down. I left my purse inside, but had my hotel card-key with me to get back in the building after putting the stuff in my Ford Escape.
I went back upstairs to get my backpack, laptop, and toiletry bag.
Red light : access denied.
I went downstairs and received a new key. I've been here for 3 nights and 4 days and this is my 3rd key.
Red light : access denied.
Went back downstairs, got a new key.
Green light : access granted.
I grabbed my last few things and went down to my car, which had already risen back up in temperature just from my short trip upstairs and back.

I dug my keys out of my sling purse and put it in the ignition.
Access denied.
It wouldn't start. I tried all the tricks, I know this ol' boy's touchy spot and I can't even express to you how
I was when I couldn't get "Buster" started.

So, of ALL the days this summer that "Buster" could have died, he waits until I'm completely done and further prevents me from any sort of 'SUMMER' whatsoever.
It's noon, and I can't even go lay out by the pooland get some sun on my skin for the rest of the LAST day of summer - EVER  - for me?
Hell no, what do you think this life of mine is - normal or something?!?!

I'm waiting for Kathleen to come bring me some jumper cables and jump my Escape off.
Leave it to Kat to be the girl who knows how to handle a situation.
I didn't even waste enough effort to get mad. I started to, but the heat factored in and I was
on a straight path to RAGEFEST 2010 with my temper and temperature level.
I'm bound to have a heart attack in this Alabama heat - it's lethal!

I just can't understand why I can't get a break.
Why was I voided ANY luck whatsoever?
I love that when I went to dinner with Kat the night before last, she said this...

"If I hear about something disastrous happening, I automatically think that you are involved in some way. Unfortunate events just don't seem to ever miss you."

But, the joke is over, the last laugh has been laughed.
Can you ease up now, Hurricane No-Luck?

But through all the high winds, I have seen some self-revelations that I totally DIG for myself... more about that later.

I have two weeks to do whatever I want!

Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic....
looooove Van Morrison.
Whats your fav VAN MORRISON song?

peace and love
bai bai

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