Thursday, September 23, 2010

this one moved me

Damn, I don't know.  I don't dwell on it much.
I did wonder, but I'll never know why it happened.
The impulse is to use reason to understand something
that lives beyond reason.  It's the lunatic fringe.
You have to keep your eyes open but you cannot live
your life in fear.  In hindsight, it feels like one of those life
lessons, that good things come of even the worst you can imagine. 

It was a strange time, to say the least. 
The fire.
It was obvious that, eventually, I'd need to stop and create a new
place to call home.  I just had no sense for what was to come next. 
No master plan. 
As it happened, I was thrown into one of the most artistically fulfilling,
one of the lightest in spirit, and certainly one of the most unexpected 
periods in my life.  Here I was, someone who'd lost everything I owned. 
I remember the fire, really well. 
I can still see the trucks arriving and the hose blasting water on my house.
And I didn't even have shoes to wear. 

A moment like that is not one when
you're thinking, "Soon I'll enter into one of the most magical times in my life."
And then wonderfully, that's just what happened. 

-Tom Petty
 doing his best to explain the unexplainable

When one door closes another opens, in all of life.
The life that I knew, the one with reason and simple sense...
well, it burnt down with my room.
Now, I have this life that opened it's door to me and has supplied me with
new meaning
new ideas
new thoughts
and he put it pretty honestly when he said this period of new beginnings is magical
and beyond reason and of wonder.  It truly is.



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