Monday, March 29, 2010

Day Three - favorite t.v. program

Even though my favorite television program is discontinued, I still cannot seem to find another show that comes close to comparing with Sex and the City. I know I have referred to Carrie Bradshaw and "the girls" in other posts, but I'll just fill you in on why I have such a LOVE for this program.  It revolutionized the way society viewed women.  It reflects a realistic way of life.  I mean, c'mon and let's be serious, not all women live the life of a Desperate Housewive's Wysteria Lane and not all of us have an even number of girlfriends and guyfriends that are always at the same coffee shop at exactly the same time.  We're writers, career women, and girls that pay more for a pair of shoes than we do our monthly rent.  But it's more than just the lives that they lead.  It's the truth about ex-boyfriends, and girlfriends, and trying to find our place in a city.  And the sex, well, the show isn't a soft-pornography in the least bit, the word sex in the title is the transcending of a GENDER and a generation that is far unlike women of the past. I learn something new every time I watch a re-run, or when I pop the movie version into the DVD player.  Trust me - it's fabulous! 

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they're supposed to be free until they find someone just as wild to run with." -Carrie Bradshaw

"It's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why - sometimes - you need REALLY special shoes!" -Carrie Bradshaw

"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be." -Carrie Bradshaw


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