Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Fun

I'm addicted to my iPhone.  It is the addiction that I used to curse when my friends were sick with it.  But I like it, and I love all my Apps I get to play with and all the beautiful pictures I have taken.  I take back all of my harsh words about the iPhone and the iPhoner family - I still have mad love for BlackBerry but it was the funniest thing the other day when I was trying to use my mother's to text Daddy.  It was definitely a blast from the past and I felt like a child trying to figure out how to hold a fork for the first time.

I never agreed with people that the iPhone was much simpler and easier to use - but it's a truth. 

Anyways, I have a vintage camera on it that I love and takes these kinds of pictures:

And I'm also obsessed with Instagram and if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you've probably caught on to my obsession with the App.  It's such a cool networking site to share artsy fartsy lifestyle pictures.
I. Love. It.

-OSCAR WILDE there's a man that has got his shit together.

Peace and Love


Kenj said...

Love love thee pictures. I just upgraded my Black berry in Nov. and Verizon came out with the iphone in sad.

Anonymous said...

that oscar wilde quote is going everywhere. my journal, my chalkboard wall, my facebook, my twitter, my blog.

i love it.

Dee Paulino said...

Welcome to the iphone family :) from my experience it's so much easier to use than other phones... these photos are super cute, the last one is my favorite!

I am sorry I have been kind of MIA, darn school is taking all of my free time. Anyway, I have missed you and I am emailing you my number right now, I am looking forward to hearing from you... love ya sistah from the blogesphere, can't wait to meet ya... seriously, xo

Chelsea said...

I'm getting a new phone on Friday and can't decide whether I want to get the iPhone or not!!! This post tells me you're already swayed, haha. hmm...

Michelle (michabella) said...

I wish Android had an app like Instagram! Love these :) AND THAT QUOTE!!! Going up on FB RIGHT NOW! :)