Wednesday, April 20, 2011

be the change you wish to see -gandhi

"I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time.
Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult."
-E. B. White
No, but seriously.

Do you ever just have those days where you crave to make a difference?  Whether it be a need for serving others, lending a hand to a friend, propelling yourself into a full-on effort for social change, or whatever it may be... some days, you just want to do something for the good.  Then there are some days that you just want to sit on your bum and be a couch potatoe.... I love those days too.  But, I think God sprinkled me with an extra little sparkle that gave me a server's heart.  I've always been that way.

I love working with children - their smiles and excitement when they've achieved something that we take for granted.  Especially special needs children... if you know me, then you know that is where my heart and soul lies.  My prayers are endless for the livelihood of people with special needs and their families - I yearn for equality and acceptance and respect for everyone, and I shake my head at the brutal truth that our society still outcasts people and so easily hates and struggles to love one another.  I have a passion for the earth, too.  That's why this Earth Day - which is Friday, I am going to put my efforts into advocating for a cleaner, healthier world.  I love Earth Day, and  I wish people treated every day as if it were Earth Day.  This is God's beautiful masterpiece - look at the beauty that our humanity and natural evil is destroying every single day.

Like John Lennon said, "I really thought that love would save us all."  And when Jimi Hendrix said, "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." --- I agree with them.

So many days I wish I could go on a passion-filled rampage of advocacy, social-change, and start a revolution... but it's not always like that...

But I DO have a voice.  I DO have this blog.  I CAN make a difference - no matter how big or how small.  I DO realize that people appreciate my zest, my passion, and my newfound aliveness!  I am glad that "Baily" is back in action and ready to help others in their dark worlds... now that I have fought through mine and see the light again.  I want to spread the peace and spread the love.  I want to forgive, I want to love, I want to stay open-hearted... and that is what I plan to do.

I just want a world of happiness, and not so much hate, crime, disrespect, ugliness, and bitterness.  We have so much to be thankful for.  We have so much to cherish.  And in celebration of Earth Day we can always do the little things that matter most, conservation wise.

Who's with me?


kebowman said...

i love those 2 quotes! i've always had those wrote down as my FAVORITES! this blog post of yours is def. putting a fire under my butt! I couldn't agree more with what you said! i needed to read this, thank you for that!

come see me if you want, i have a giveaway going on right now, so be sure to check it out!

and again, LOVE this post girl!

kendall k. said...

Great post! Love your blog :)

Saumya said...

So true! I love the quote at the top and relate so much to your itch to make a difference.

Anonymous said...

♥ Oh.. Nice post.)) Love your blog.)) ♥

Tiffany said...

Good for you, Bailey! I totally feel you on the "I have to make a difference somehow...TODAY!" feeling. Your blog is awesome! :)
