Tuesday, June 29, 2010

(freak)in' stressed

Hello lovelies! My inner-Carrie is in full force and the only de-stresser for me right now isn't aromatherapy. It's writing. It's one of those days.

You know those days when you wish you were laying in your own cabana on the private beach that you share with no one? That private paradise, even if it's just for an hour or two - reading a dirty romance novel or the newest Nicholas Sparks book? Or... since that's a far-fetched fantasy, it's more like one of those days where the only thing that's going to make you happy is hitting the jackpot at a killer shoe sale.

I have a bad case of 'the Mondays,' so what...!?! What doesn't kill you make you stronger, right? Or it's water under the bridge, a lesson learned, whatev. The hardest stress is the one that waits on you the next day, not giving you a clean slate, or a chance to come up for air.  A major stress, in my case, is my resource management. Not just my mistakes in managing my own resources gives me stress, but literally, the study of resource management that I am being lectured and testing in this summer. So much work, so much exhaustion, so much excitement for it to soon be done.

Sorry to everyone who has to deal with my stresses and deals with the end results of my exhaustion. I know I am serious case of 'the crazies' sometimes, but I promise it's just part of the little freak that I am. I love you all though, dearly, and I hope you know that even though I seem like I'm from a different planet sometimes, I'm really not... and after all my unfinished pieces are complete, I will be a more pleasant and a more earthling-like little freakazoid.

I received a Facebook message today that had written: "You remind me of a young Carrie Bradshaw," which I later used to explain why I was mentally a wreck today as I said, "I feel like being the Carrie Bradshaw in me today." I was analyzing everything and going up and down with my emotions but balanced it with my cynicism and ignorance. I was absolutely my inner-Carrie today, and I needed to write.

She's my inspiration for writing. Just to see the image of her sitting at her laptop with a coffee, cocktail, or cigarette and writing about her life, love, and inbetweens, is inspiration to give me something to write about. When I imagine that shot of her at her laptop, I can't help but hear Carrie's voice-over phrasing, "I couldn't help but wonder."

So when I'm having one of those days that I'm not the most pleasant little miss thing, I go to my Sex and the City quotes page, and let her speak to me. I'm sharing my favorite "find" in the quote pile tonight. It's de-stressed me before, you know my quotes aren't just my guilty pleasure, they're my aromatherapy. 'Goodnight, Lovers!'

peace & love(you all very much)

"Eventually all the pieces fall into place...
until then, laugh at the confusion,
live for the moment, and know that
everything happens for a reason."
 -Carrie Bradshaw
(Sex and the City)

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