Thursday, June 10, 2010

fill in the blank thursday


1. The very best thing about the summer is beer and boats and music and friends and Daisy Duke shorts and bikinis

2. My first crush ever was on my neighbor, Zac Warren, who lived at the top of Shackleford Court. He kissed me when I was in my tu-tu and going to my dance recital in kindergarten. He also serenaded me, quite frequently, with "Achy Breaky Heart" by Billy Ray Cyrus. I'm so not kidding. 

3. This may sound really silly but as much as I love music, I don't own an iPod. I guess I'm going to break down and get one, but I'd rather spend my money on old vinyl records that smell like mothballs than all the new-age stuff that 'the kids' are into these days. But then I think, what if you have a little gypsy of a daughter and she wants your old throw-back iPod to sport around all vintage-like. If I have a little hellian hippie child that's anything like me, then I oughta at least do it for her.  Just like I am about my dad's vinyls and my mom's seventies jewelry/purses/scarfs and whatnot. And my RayBan aviators... they're my mom's from the early '90s.

4. I squeeze my toothpaste from the middle of the tube. And make a mess every morning doing so. (I'm sorry, E!)
5. My absolute favorite "comfort food" is Mom's spaghetti. 

6. A random fact about me is I have 6 fake teeth and the hairiest arms in the world. That's why I've shaved my arms since 6th grade.
7. The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn't live without is texting. I'm not a phone-talker; I'm a texter. There are only two types of people in the world... phone-talkers and texters. I don't trust people that don't text message. It's like, do you still ask to use payphones, too?
Come on, people. Text message. It's to the point. I understand talking on the phone to catch up and I am completely aware that some information is only possible to communicate when you can add the tone, seriousness, etc. But, let's be serious people, is that your beeper going off? You still have a beeper? (I know, I'm being a hypocrit - I don't use an iPod and voluntarily use media equipment, like my wooden record player, that was introduced five decades ago.) But at least I am aware of the fact that iTunes and iPods and MP3s are much more punctual than a needle and a turntable and I am aware of the new technology that doesn't require me to flip the record every 5 songs. People that are opposed to texting, they don't understand how much more stuff can be done when information is given to you via text message instead of having to be on the phone all day long. I'm a writer, I'd rather write my opinion and feelings than talk about them. That's why you guys, my readers, get stuck with hearing about my beautiful and tragic life as a twenty-something year old. But hey, at least you get to just read it and chose to respond or not. On the phone, it's like you're being cornered and forced to respond to someone's story about whatever it was that you quit listening to like 10 minutes before. You know exactly what I mean, and just because I say it brutally (but honestly) doesn't make me a bad person. I like to talk on the phone, but not to everyone I am in touch with on a daily basis, so I prefer me some text messaging. (This is an ongoing subject in conversation with Chace, my sissy, and Tyler. They love phone talking, we hate it.) It's weird, though, because my whole family is very text savvy! 


I am on my way to the airport now! Orlando-bound to see my bff get hitched. I can't wait!

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