Monday, February 8, 2010

End The R Word

Most close to me know that my passion is in helping children with disabilities. Not only do I want to provide educational and developmental opportunities for children with special needs in my career path, but I also want to be an advocate for their rights and equality.

Too much has the "R-word" been used in mainstream society. I'm disgusted by how many people exchange the word "retard" for any other descriptive word. Not only are the words "retard" and "retarded" politically incorrect but they are also ignorant, not clever, and discriminatory.

In so many talk shows, sitcoms, comedy shows, movies, and civil conversations, is the word used. My friends and those around me are aware at my hatred for the widespread use of the word but even those that understand the prejudice behind it and the passion of my concern about it still say it out of habit - because it has gotten that bad. Teachers and even national political figures have used the word freely. How ignorant and discomforting.

Could you imagine if one of President Obama's cabinet members spoke to the media and used the "N-word?" What kind of havoc and chaos that would cause...
Well, it's discomforting and honestly embarassing to know that the President had nothing to say about one of his cabinet members using the word "retarded" in a public statement. It's the same thing as using the "N-word." It's prejudice, discriminatory, derogatory, and shameful.

Join the national campaign, started by the Special Olympics, that works to end the mainstream use of this word. "SPREAD THE WORD TO END THE WORD" will rally on 3/3/10 to raise awareness and encourage people to show their support at

Make this movement known all over the nation, starting in your community - at school, at work, at home, or even at your online community. Please! Help this cause!

Buy a t-shirt, make the r-word pledge, make an impact.

Please... take 5 minutes to watch this video. It means so much to me and those who are touched by the exceptional and loving lives of persons with disabilities.

Peace & Love
The 'Other' Sister

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