Sunday, October 30, 2011

if i may say so myself...

You may think the past has something to tell you. You may think that you should listen, should strain to make out its whispers, should bend over backward, stoop down low to hear its voice breathed up from the ground, from the dead places.  You may think there's something in it for you, something to understand or make sense of.  But I know the truth: I know from the nights of coldness.  I know the past will drag you backward and down, have you snatching at whispers of wind and the gibberish of trees rubbing together, trying to decipher some code, trying to piece together what was broken.  It's hopeless.  The past is nothing but a weight.  It will build up inside of you like a stone. 
Take it from me, if you hear the past speaking to you, feel it tugging at your back and running its fingers up your spine, the best thing to do - the only thing - is run.
Lauren Oliver, Delirium


Anonymous said...

I love this!

Anonymous said...

so true. i saw a quote on pinterest the other day that said .. the more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present..

it is amazing how we let the past affect our present and futures so much. great post love xoxo

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you came across my blog because I'm always on the hunt for bloggers who are close to home and enjoy the love of Alabama football as much as I do.
I am now your newest follower! :D