Wednesday, March 30, 2011

☮a good day

I had such an awesome, uplifting, and busy (in the super good way) kind of day today, so I never got a chance to post on here.  I have been "reconstructing" my day-to-day agenda because of the recent changes - both good and bad - that have been going on in my life lately.

I would be lying if I said I was sailing smooth seas ALL of the time, but it isn't a lie when I tell you that the power of God is, indeed, almighty.  He aligned the stars for me in such simple yet marvelous ways.  I wish I could explain it in a way that you might understand, but the bottom line is that I am restored with hope and I am very much surrounded by love and inspiration. 

I'll elaborate on that more when it's not past my bed-time because I can't wait to tell you about my day today (or yesterday now - ha!) 
I got to spend it with one of those friends that are what I consider a rare-gem, a gift, a blessing, and I was once again reminded that family and friendships and faith are the only things that matter in life - as long as you are spending it with the right people.

And that's what I did today. 
But I'll tell you about it tomorrow.
I just wanted to tell all my bloggie friends that I love them and that I hope the Lord blesses you in many ways... and if you ever feel like hope is not within reach, I urge you to look in the most peculiar and mysterious places and there it will be - plain as day - GOD'S AMAZING LOVE! 

For me today, I found his love in a soul-sister type friend. A vegan lunch. A story on a canvas. A worship song. A mural. A random page in my devotional. In a hydrangea bush.

He is all around me, and I am going to be ok.

peace and love



kayla said...

you're words are inspirational, just thought you should know!

Holli said...

I'm so glad you had a good and renewing day with a friend.... sometimes it's just what the soul needs huh? :)

Unknown said...

beautiful post -- glad you are finding peace and love in God and the people in your life

Jenni Austria Germany said...

don't you love days like this? sometimes i wish all the days could be like this but i guess i need SOME bad make the good ones seem even sweeter.

julialow said...

Hi, Baily!

You're such a gorgeous gal, and this post really uplifted me. God is indeed great, hey! When you said "He is all around me", it reminded me of one of my favourite songs by Switchfoot called Your Love Is A Song. Beautiful song about God's love for us and how His love is around us, running through us... Thought you may want to give it a listen as well. (:

Much love. x

Dee Paulino said...

days filled with love and inspiration are the best.

your comment made me smile from ear to ear. It would be awesome if we get to meet up this year, I have been dying to go to FL & I must say you're tempting me to go for a weekend hehe. You're more than welcome to come visit RI as well, I would bring you to historic Newport & we could take a little trip down to Boston, you won't be disappointed if you come "I promise".

On another note, I hope you're doing great on your new job and adjusting to your working girl-doggie-mommy schedule... Iphone? That was the 2nd best investment I've made in my life haha, it took me a few days to figure it out, let me know if you've any iphone related questions... Xo