Tuesday, November 9, 2010

the one about south carolina and my hiatus being over

I feel like I have been hounded via Facebook, Twitter, Gmail. and Blogger on my crazy hiatus I have been on.  No need to worry, I have plenty to talk about but it seems like I never sit down and start writing like I used to. I have pretty much stayed on the go for a few weeks now. 

I went to Charleston to visit Clay for the weekend.  It was a really good time.  We got to see a couple of our favorite performers.  American Aquarium played at The Charleston Pour House on Thursday night and Zach Deputy played their on Saturday night.  When Clay and I's relationship began, we sort of had a little band crush on American Aquarium, who his older siblings had told us about.  Then, the Zach Deputy crush developed for him over the past couple of years but as I was leaving him to go back to Tuscaloosa after our first visit, he handed me a CD to listen to on the way home.  Well, actually, he handed me a couple of CDs to listen to on the drive home because they had so many songs with lyrics that sort of explained the connection we had upon our face-to-face meeting.  We had already known before our physical meet & greet that we shared a love for the same type of 'peace and love' music.  American Aquarium is a little bit more Southern Rock and Americana, but they still have some pretty fun and danceable songs that we both enjoy :) But Zach Deputy, he's pretty amazing with his "one man band" type of style.  He's even an awesome writer: check out his blog at www.zachdeputy.blog.com.  Check out his website at www.zachdeputy.com. He's pretty awesome!

American Aquarium, like I said, is a different style but I'm a frequent visitor of their website at www.americanaqurium.net

Zach Deputy was really cool after the show.  He gave us a couple free live recordings and I told him that he really needed to come visit Tuscaloosa, ALABAMA.  No, I didn't really say it like Forrest Gump but I wish I had.  Maybe he would have remembered me better if I did.  I sort of looked like Jenny that night though, come to think of it.  Clay & I had told ourselves we were going to dress up.  Well, I ended up leaving half of my 'Penny Lane' costume parked in a car on the other side of town and it was looking doubtful that he was really up for being too extravagant in regard to the Halloween spirit, so we just opted to throw some reg clothes on and go back to The Pour House and look at all the other people's awful, and awfully funny costumes.  Before we went, though, we turned one of my favorite bracelets made of chiffon fabric and silver and gold chains into a headband with the linking of my hair ties.  I was sort of proud of my idea, and he helped with the engineering part.  Stellar teammates! :)  But, I wore the hippie headband and jeans and boots and called it a Happy Halloween.  Especially the part about the point I was trying to make... after the show (which was so much fun - I have, by far, the best dancing partner in the world) we got a chance to talk to Zach Deputy and after I tried to convince him to come to "Titletown" - which I think is the term for Tuscaloosa I used - we gave him an Alabama coozie for giving us those free live recordings.

Baily + Clay + Zach Deputy = BFF

We walked along King Street, partied down in Chucktown, shopped at the Market where I found some AWESOME Guatemalan worry dolls that I purchased for the two of us, we ate fish that would melt in your mouth, and we drank a bucket of beers at "Reds" on a canal by a marina at Shem Creek.  We had an awesome time.  And before we left Charleston Sunday, we were able to spend a little time at Boone Hall Plantation.  (YES girlfriends - where Allie's summer house is in 'The Notebook'!!!!)  I was very very excited that we were able to do this because at first we thought it wasn't going to make it on the weekend agenda, but it happened to work out to where we were able to tour the plantation where we learned about the Gullah nation of the South Carolina low-country, and about the most photographed plantation in America.   IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!

Then the next week we went to Asheville (which I've already uploaded photos of via facebook) but I'll tell you more about that weekend LaTeR!! For now, I'll leave you with some pics of my wonderful weekend in Charleston....

peace and love

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