Friday, November 12, 2010

fill in the blank friday

1. If I didn't have to work anymore I would write a novel, go on a bazillion mission trips, and be an advocate for all the things I'm passionate about.

2.  My favorite thing about a vacation is how dysfunctional some of them end of being... my family's quote is: "We put the FUN in dysFUNctional!"  But no, really - here are my favorite things about vacation: suanas, banana daiquiries, excursions, spending money, souveniers, and the quality time spent with those you love!

3.  When packing for a trip I  pack entirely way too much.  It's embarassing.
4.  If I could go on a road trip with anyone (dead OR alive) I would choose  Clay (and the little piggie, Millie) because  I've found someone truly special in him; there is never a dull moment with us; there is absolutely no bickering or sad tears or angry words; and he makes the most beautiful scenery even better looking, and we would go from Key West to Maine on our much-anticipated drive up the Right Coast.  OR on a cross-country road trip to the Golden Gate bridge.  Hey babe, didn't you say you'd drive me through those sunflower fields in Colorado one day?? ;)

5.  My top 3 absolute travel essentials are 1. a journal; 2. a camera; 3. bubble gum

6.  Vacations are awaiting me... I hope.
7.  On vacation you must always  experience the big things, but remember the little things that made those big things so special.  Like Daddy's smile at Kapalua Bay, Mom's humor in Lake Tahoe, and Sissy's spazz moves in a school of fish in St. Thomas.
and always, always, always, take pictures! And don't lose your camera.
peace and love


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