Wednesday, July 21, 2010

spread the love wednesdays

"Does anybody really know when it's right? And how do you know - are there signs? Fireworks? Is it right when it feels comfortable or is comfortable a sign that there's no fireworks?
Is hesitation a sign that it's not right, or is it a sign that you're not ready? In matters of love how do you know when it's right?" -Carrie Bradshaw


Unknown said...

hey there fellow wildflower and beatles fan. i gave you a blog award. i love reading your posts. always.

details here:

Barbra The Bloggess said...

I really think a lot of people confuse love with infatuation. Infatuation sparks and sizzles...yeah, I like that. But true love comes with the work of the after years. When you have been through the bad times and the worse together. I think all of us living in a world of instant coffee fast food and boxed mashed potatoes might have the notion love come this way.
Well, for me at least...if the infatuation is really something we both want to build off of...I think love finds a way...

Barbra The Bloggess said...

Oh...and they gotta be attractive.
You wouldn't hang an ugly picture on the wall, would you?