Thursday, February 24, 2011

God wins!

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells."
-Dr. Seuss-

Today started out much better than yesterday did.  And I know why!  I should never underestimate the power of PRAYER.
I spent a lot of time yesterday in solitude.  I got to think about all of the things that were bugging me and I was able to release a lot of those burdens by getting it all off of my chest and talking/blogging about it.  But most of my peace of mind that I am experiencing today comes from the time I spent in prayer and conversation with God.  I applied the things that I have been learning about Seeking God (the last 6 weeks at FBC Orlando have been about this) and spent a lot of time in reverant prayer - giving thanks, asking for wisdom, and listening for his answers. 
I just feel SO MUCH better when I know He is in control - why is it that I stumble and forget this sometimes?  I just don't understand why I try to control my life when I know life is so much lovelier when I let HIM control my life.  This is part of my diligent prayer - wisdom to remember that He brings PEACE and I... well I bring CHAOS!
So in regard to who has better control over my life - me or God...
God wins!!!

I have a really exciting weekend planned and I just can't wait for it to get here.  I'm going out on the town in Winter Park to Wine Room tomorrow night, to the Orlando Chili Cook-Off (that benefits the Special Olympics) on Saturday, and to All Fired Up to paint!!!

I am in the mood to do something crafty today...
Any ideas on what to do?!?

peace and love

images via


Young and Fabulous said...

glad you are doing better!! :) and so lucky you are going to a chili cook off!! i love sampling those chili's! and for a great cause as well :)

Kristen said...

Great post! I'm a strong believer in prayer and I myself needed this exact post today to remind me of that. Thank you!

Dee Paulino said...

So happy you're doing better. I love the last photo :)

Peace Love & All Things Creative said...

I totally know what you mean about forgetting that God is the boss, not us. And prayer, seriousily heals the soul. Just when we pray and talk to God about it, it's like wow, i don't need to deal with this on my own. So comforting to know he's always there and will always be there for us to cast our burdens upon him.

Michelle (michabella) said...

Oh the power of prayer. Don't you hate how quickly we forget. We are so selfish. I am constantly slapping myself for thinking I can do it all on my own. Glad you found peace in Him. Praying for you sister! SO EXCITED FOR THIS WEEKEND! C'mon FRIDAY! <3

Unknown said...

I know. It is so easy to forget. I am a planner and worrier by nature, so it hard for me to let God have complete controll sometimes. He can do such a better job with my life than I can!

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

love that quote! and def love nonsense!!!

ah lades, such is life that we get so caught up and forget to give thanks or have our prayer time connection. thing is that you felt it and missed it, that's the inner guide helping you along again to come back "home". it's happened to me recently too, i find prayer like meditation kinda and really was feeling out of touch, less grounded. everything becomes more centered when you've made the time to get some free therapy of sorts.

happy weekend wishes. xo ♥

Liz said...

aw so sweet. puppy love is the best!