Friday, June 4, 2010


Ok, I'm very aware that I have not done my "Fill In The Blank Thursday" nor my "Wildflower's Weekly Recap" but it is because my last sesh of school just started and I've got one mean game face on.
Want to know a random something? Today in my 'Individal/Family Resource Management and Societal Sexuality' lecture I had to be introduced by my friend who sat next to me.
Her name was Wanda, she had an 11 year-old daughter who is currently on vacation in Florida and she enjoys music in her spare time. She is a 2 year vegetarian and her favorite food is Mexican but now she says it has to be veggie burgers." Guess how she introduced me?
"This is Baily. She's originally from the mountains of North Carolina, she spent the majority of her growing up years in Orlando, Florida. She used to be a runner and enjoys hiking and collecting vinyl records. Oh! And one thing she mentioned that I thought was cool about her is that she is a "blogger". She likes creative writing and uses a blog as her outlet, that's cool huh? Her favorite food is a hot dog! BUT! It has to have slaw and chili on it. She likes music, and as you can see, she has an eclectic style of funky jewelry and bracelets. She's a Early Childhood and Family Studies major and she has one sister but she says she has one brother because she considers her brother-in-law a close family member."
My response, "yes, I totally bought into the whole blogging thing and most days you can expect me to zone in on my "blog world" for a couple of hours at a time."
All we had to say was where our partner was from, what his/her major was, a hobby of theirs, and their favorite food. What Wanda said made me smile. I felt appreciated for my uniqueness.
But old Mr. Stinnet, well he's a white-headed man that wears black medical tennis shoes, he wanted to talk about my vinyl records. He knew about the fire. He wanted to know if I lost any of my vinyl records in the fire. Then I had to name off some of the ones I had. He thought it was particularly cool that my Dad saved the ones from the 1970's and 1980's that I have. His final thought, with his hand on his chin, "Man oh man, I wish I'd a done that. I didn't know vinyl was back on the scene."
Then he jumped up and said Well Baily! The hippies had a lot to do with this sexual revolution in society that we're going to talk about. The counter-culture!!"
Oh, the hippie thing, the vinyl thing, the blog thing, it can get a conversation going anywhere, I swear!!!
It reminds me of one of Janis Joplin's quote, "I may just be the first pin-up hippie girl."
There is a rather random group of people in that lecture, both undergrad and graduate students, from all different majors and definitely all different backgrounds. It makes for lots of interesting discussion.
And 6 pages of notes. 6 PAGES OF NOTES?!?!?! Are you kidding me?!
One of my biggest regrets in college will be that I never was the ghost writer "note-taker" for the local business U-Notes and the student service University Notes. The note-taker takes the notes, gets paid for it, and the notes serve as the aid for students who are registered under the Students with Disabilities Act. In accordance with many of the services geared toward the students with attention-deficit disabilities (just as I am), these students have permission to have notes taken for them, hence the aforementioned career as a ghost writing note-taker. It sounds silly, since I am in fact an incredible note-taker, but also very much hyper and very much deficit in the area of attention! BUT 6 PAGES????
That means there's more to study. In this case, the term 'the more the merrier' makes me want to vomit.
I'll get back on track in the blog world soon! I hope everyone has an amazing weekend.
I think somebody just pulled into my driveway that is about to make my Friday a little bit better when he comes in with either a.)his pearly white grin or b.)something smart-ass and completely funny that knocks me down laughing. It's a win-win, with this guy!

oh p.s. my mom and dad sent me a new digi-cam.
you know what the best friggin part is? it does panoramic pics.
you know what that means... my picture taking could get kinda crazy.

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