Tuesday, June 15, 2010

school first, blog second... sorrry

So, most of y'all know - I'm a journaler. I love my journals. Obsessed. I may not have any furniture to my name right now, but I have a journal stand set up in my newly renovated room. When I'm not telling all the details to my weird little life on this blog, I am recording the top secret stuff in my journals. I doodle. I sketch. I write diary entries, I write song lyrics, I write bucket lists, and I write bible scripture and feelings I have during my quiet times, I write mean things about what I'm angry at, and I write love-filled entries... these journals are pretty entertaining.

That's why I was so upset about the journals that I lost in the fire. The journal itself can be replaced, but those deep down feelings aren't recorded anywhere else. Not on my blog, not on my facebook statuses, but the ones that probably would best explain why I'm so eclectic and funky. But, I can't dwell in the past... there is no point to it. What is done is done, right? I'm so fortunate for all the friends and family members that sent me journals because they know that I'm one of "those weird journal people." I've enjoyed starting over and recording my 'new beginning' in these journals that were bought out of love and compassion for me when I was going through such a tough time. That being said, these journals are the most special ones. They truly are a reflection of my new life after the fire.

I follow a lot of creative-expressive type blogs. They're awesome.. check them out by clicking on the links: Run With Scissors and The Life of a Cupcake and A Beautiful Mess and Smile and Wave, to name a few. Here recently, I have started a new journal with the Run With Scissors blog community. It's a 30Day Challenge that involves a prompt that she post and a group on flickr that uploads photos of our own unique creations that we made in our personal journals inspired by her prompt. I think it's going to be really fun, I'm already off to a good start... but I am not active on the flickr group. I know, I need to get on that... but I am lucky if I stay caught up on the journals, because we all know I get side-tracked... and since the only thing that can distract me from being a better blogger and journaler, is school, so obvi that's a good thing... let's hear it for the girl!

I posted the link to the Run With Scissors journal challenge on my sister's facebook wall. I wasn't sure if she would want to do it or not... she stays super busy being a full-time nurse, a graduate student, and a full-time wife. She's fantastic at all of the above, and the best part about it is that she is back in action as a blogger so that means she makes time in her day to share her stories about her, like I said - fantastic, life journey after all the other things she has on her agenda in each of her roles. It seems like you wouldn't have any "me" time after all the hard work she puts in to the earnst success she has in life. But she does... and she is journaling! I'm horribly excited about this... I told my mom that my free-spirit is rubbing off on my sissy. She was trying on clothes that I was totally diggin' when I went shopping with her before her trip to the Bahamas. I can usually sweet-talk my way into borrowing a top every now and then. So, can I borrow that lime green linen-ish shirt sissy? One day.. please?! I love my sissy.

If I can figure out this SDcard converter that I had to get for my new camera, I will post pictures of the wedding in Orlando this weekend. And, maybe I'll give you a peep at some of my 30Day Journal Challenge creations. If you're feeling creative, you should journal along! It's healing to the upmost degree! Trust.

Computer Geeks: About this SDcard thing... what am I doing wrong that makes me think this thing is demonous? Please help!


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