Friday, October 15, 2010

10 days: day two

10 Days: day two: 9 things people might not know about me
however, i'm pretty much an open book and i give lots of dets about my life to people
modesty? no way!
regard? errrrrr, wrong answer
for real.

1. i have 6 fake teeth
hey y'all!!!

2. i check under my bed and behind the shower curtain every night before i go to sleep
yes, for the boogey-man.

3. i have a fire nightmare 6 nights out the week

4. my middle name is in honor of Michael Jordan.
no wonder why i'm the best - right???

5. my sister and i had no ties to the state of Alabama before coming here for college
(so when you wanna know why, ask her - I just followed her here)
Where next, sissy?!?
let's go to Charleston and be King Street Queens!

6. i returned an envelope that I found in the parking lot at Target in Oviedo which had a Vermont woman's ID, $800 buckaroos in cash, and a credit card.
The police department in Oviedo honored me with a citizenship award, but I never received a thank-you from 'said Vermont woman.'  Nonetheless - "Bless Her Heart" but in the South I would have used my BEST stationary on that Thank You... and maybe a Benjamin!

7. Before I die, I will see Mick Jagger in person.

8. I'm a borderline hoarder.  That's why I have a lot of shiz to replace, and you'd think losing all that stuff would make me simpler, less hoarderish, but nope. Makes me that more nostalgic and obsessed with even the simplest mementos.  Luckily, I date someone who loves the small things just as much, so, so far we've spread out the loot from here to Myrtle Beach.

9. I talk to myself. A lot.
All day. Everyday.
And when Millie is in the passenger seat she makes me look less cooky.
Except then, I'm a lady talking to my dog instead of myself.
Coo-ku, coo-ku!

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