I've been away... obviously. And I have chronic writer's block... I get to the end of my rope sometimes and give up on trying to make sense of a post. Then I let so many days get away from me that I just think "what's the use!?" Then, I have an emotional breakdown because I haven't had my dose of blog therapy and I wonder why I do it to myself.
I don't even know what all I have to catch everyone up on. But lots of you follow me on Twitter and I still get my tweet on so you know I'm alive and... busy!
I went to Birmingham last weekend for Grayson's baby dedication. I wasn't supposed to get there until late Thursday and leave Sunday afternoon. BUT, at breakfast on the MONDAY before... I got a wild hair and changed my flight for that afternoon. In two hours I was packed and checked in at the Southwest Airlines terminal. I got to spend almost an entire week with the little man!

We had some very special Aunt Sissy time. We already have such a neat relationship! I brought Ash & Tyler some movie vouchers to lure them out on a date one night - which allowed me to spoil little precious for a few hours all to myself! It was so much fun! They went to dinner and a movie (only their second date since he was born 3 months ago) while Grayson and I played, watched the CMA's, danced, sang songs, and changed a lot of diapers!! We had one "blow-out" but nothing Aunt Sissy couldn't handle. I am grateful for my couple years as a 'nanny' in college for teaching me how to change a diaper super fast... but those little boy wee-wee's will get you when you aren't looking! ;)
Ashley was better about blogging than I was while I was there. Check out her baby posts at her
Mom and Dad flew in on that Thursday - when I was supposed to travel with them - and on Saturday some of our family from North Carolina came in. It was so fun! I loved seeing everyone's expression when they saw how much he has grown since we welcomed him into the world on August 16th. It hurts my heart that I am not there to see him grow each day... but his Mom and Daddy keep me updated with plenty of pictures and videos. And of course, we've got Grayson on Skype now too! :)
Sunday was the dedication and the purpose of us all being there. It was such a memorable experience to witness my sister and her husband dedicate their life to raising their child in a Godly home. Grayson was absolutely HANDSOME!
Grayson caught his first (of MANY!) Tar Heel basketball games while we were there. The Jones side of his family are diehard Tar Heels (it's the other side of the family that dressed him in that Gamecock attire up there) and we watched the Carrier Classic on Veteran's Day as a family. The game was between Michigan State and UNC on board the USS Vinson - such an amazing tribute!
I seriously am nephew-obsessed!!!
Anyways, that's where I was last week and then this week I just ignored catching up. Sorry!
Now, I'm enjoying a week with the boyfriend in Florida! Love how he's always willing to come see me. We absolutely ROCK the whole long-distance thing!
I'll write more later. Just wanted to catch you up on my little boogie boy!
peace and love