Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jewelry Jackpot

Today at American Eagle, I hit the jewelry jackpot!!! 

They were having a "3 for $10" sale on some of their funky pieces of jewelry and I was all over it...


Look what I snagged!

necklace, originally $15.50

bracelets, originally $15.50 and $12.50

headbands, originally $15.50 and $12.50 

2pk headbands, originally $15.50

I love me some headbands and we all know I'm a bracelet junkie.  But that long, gold chain with the turquoise stone? I squealed with extra excitement for snagging that because before I lost everything in the fire last year, I had a piece of jewelry that looked almost exactly like that!  It was one of my very favorites!

You gotta love a great sale!  I got all of that... $15.50(4) + $12.50(2) for only $21.40 after tax.  Awesomeness galore!!

peace & love

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