Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Reason for the Season

As I witness the hustle and bustle of the holidays I can not help but be overwhelmed by the exhausting love that parents show their children. Fighting lines at the toy store so that the newest toy is within reach or the hours of preparing festive meals and holiday treats. The sacrifices that parents give in order to pleasantly surprise the little ones on Christmas morning is indescribable and it makes for a very humbling experience.

I have always had parents that wore themselves out in order to give me a complete and merry holiday season. I always was pleased and never disappointed in my gifts from Santa, my parents, and my grandparents. When ripping apart gift wrap and going through boxes of presents like a tornado in my younger years I did not realize how much of a fortune I had. Not in monetary terms, but in the terms that I was blessed with beautiful and loving people all around me. As I grew up and as each Christmas went by I learned more and more about life and how I have all things to be grateful for and even the wrapping that covered my gifts was more than some people had on Christmas mornings.

Some do not even have families.

I have always been especially concerned for children who do not have families or parents that love them. I am a firm believer in adoption and I stand against abortion. I think much can be learned if we would all slow down and spend a little more time in the volunteer force or charity campaigns because the individuals that need the services are not stupid or any less of a person than we are. They have feelings, emotions, amazing abilities, and lessons that are more valuable than any college curriculum textbook. It is amazing how beautiful a child can be when she seems to have nothing to be smiling about. No wrapped Christmas presents, no parents, no hams and turkeys and pecan pies, and no Christmas tree to adorn with twinkling lights.

I asked her what made the holidays so special for her. She answered, "my brother that got shot and my grandmother that raised me were both my favorite people before they went to heaven. They always told me that Christmas wasn't about presents and decorations but it was Jesus' birthday and I know they're with Jesus so I'm just glad they're up there having fun."

Tears poured from my eyes as they stared at this poverty-struck fourth grade girl that I mentor on occasion. I found myself in awe of her. How strong, sensible, and sincere were her words and how grateful her aching heart was. Her hair bounced in diva-like ringlets and her teeth shined when she smiled so big. She laughed as I sat there and wiped tears from my eyes as though she couldn't believe I would be 'sad' during the season of Jesus' birthday. She had no idea how humble she had just made me and how fortunate I was to have the things that so many other children don't have. I felt sick to my stomach as I made a note to send a special wrapped holiday treat her way before I went home for the holidays because I have spent many days of my life living selfishly and by taking the little things for granted. I've had reality checks in my life before but none like this one. This reality check sent me home from her elementary school in the poorer part of town with a lesson that can be recognized but never truly learned and accepted until it's right there in your face smiling back at you as your whole being seems to grow in holiday cheer and thanksgiving.

So, as the holidays approach us I hope that those of us who live a fortunate life can give back in some way to make a difference in the lives of people who don't. Even more so, we should focus on making the lives of people with needs better by spreading this fortune throughout the entire year and not just during the holiday season.

Like her brother and grandmother taught her, and Jesus taught us all, we must remember the reason for the season and be thankful for Jesus Christ, our Lord, because no gift is better than the gift he gave us and no ham or turkey is better than the bread of life that is the Gospel.

Merry Christmas and God Bless each and every one!

The 'Other' Sister

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